Personalized Bach Flower

Remedy Questionnaire

Your Personalized Bach Flower Remedy Questionnaire…

Select the correct Bach Flower Remedies for your unique situation. Read each selection then select, at a maximum, seven remedies, that you feel, are most important for your happiness and well-being. Once I receive your questionnaire I will contact you to discuss your specific remedy.

Bach Flower Remedies, commonly known as the 38 Flowers, are the vibrational energy of 37 different plants and the water from one natural spring. These flowers and water with, their natural healing qualities, have been harnessed into 38 different liquid formulations. Therefore Bach Flower Remedies will NOT interact with medications. Because they are “vibrational” remedies, They are not the pharmacological properties of the plants,

Remember – choose according to your current mental or emotional attitudes. Sometimes only one remedy is needed. At other times more combinations may be required. Regardless, limit your mixture to no more than 7 remedies.
